Your Health

  • Your Health

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), lifestyle factors such as tobacco and alcohol use, physical inactivity, unhealthy diets, overweight/obesity, and stress, account for more than 70% of mortality due to non-communicable disease. This means that we can improve our daily choices and habits to reduce our likelihood of getting diseases like diabetes, hypertension and heart disease.

Many people may be willing to make some efforts to keep healthy, but find it difficult to make healthy choices given the conflicting information, misconceptions, and advertising. Sahyog team is working to continue creating and disseminating information designed to help you make informed evidence-based healthy lifestyle choices to keep well and prevent major illness. We also provide tips on reducing our carbon footprint, as we cannot have healthy lives without a healthy planet. In addition to materials created specifically for Sahyog, we may also share materials developed by other entities with appropriate acknowledgement/citations/links.

See how you can move more throughout the day in “CreActive” ways (