
  • Principles
  1. Reducing health disparities

    We prioritise no cost, low cost, and cost saving interventions and approaches for health promotion to help reduce disparities, improve health of the underprivileged and improve health equity.

    • Understanding overall health status and major health concerns among specific populations of interest
    • Understanding people’s knowledge, information gaps, attitude, (mis)perceptions and practices related to lifestyle factors, climate change
    • Understanding lifestyle habits, motivators, and barriers for healthy choices
    • Evaluating strategies to drive behavioral change
    • Evaluating impact of targeted interventions/programmes
  2. Evidence Based Primary prevention

    We prioritize healthy and sustainable choices across the lifespan, as the best and most cost-effective way to improve health and wellness. Our health education and interventions will be based on our synthesis of the best available evidence from research. We will align our strategies with good established practices and also advance public health through our own research. Although we will be culturally sensitive, positive change often needs new norms. Hence, we will use creative approaches and innovations to help people and communities overcome barriers and change norms.

  3. Globally Scalable Solutions

    To build scalable and sustainable changes, we draw volunteers and adopt a grassroots-level, bottom-up approach. We will integrate ancient wisdom and modern technology to design interventions, and empower communities to integrate new knowledge and practices, become self-reliant and inspire others. We will find creative ways to foster a domino effect and create scalable solutions. Through community ownership, our initiatives seamlessly integrate into different populations ensuring sustained impact. We aim to create a global impact by starting with a global vision and perspective, conducting research to fill global gaps and developing creative interventions and initiatives for health concerns that impact people across the world.

  4. Environmental Sustainability

    A healthy planet is critical to sustain health and life on earth. Environmental factors such as natural disasters and climatic shifts have escalating adverse impact on health through many pathways. Our strategies prioritize health and health promotion within the context of a changing environment, emphasizing the critical role of environmental sustainability in promoting overall well-being.