About Us

  • About Us

Who We Are

At Sahyog, we embody the essence of our name, which signifies an active partnership between learners and communities. ‘Saha’ represents participation and cooperation, emphasising our belief that community involvement is integral to our success. We view our community not as passive recipients, but as active participants, contributing in their own unique ways to our collective vision.

Our logo symbolises cooperation between people, organizations and communities uniting for common goals. It also symbolises active living. The figures and community also depict Public Health. The circle depicts wholeness and integration, and a green planet (environmental sustainability).

Our unified vision is to improve health, wellness, equity and environmental sustainability locally, nationally and globally. Sahyog seeks to promote health equity by prioritising underserved communities, focusing on healthy lifestyles that promote wellness, primary prevention and early detection of major illnesses. Sahyog strives to foster health and equity through sustainable solutions, by informing and inspiring people and organisations to take bold steps, to advocate to change norms, and to inspire others.

Our primary focus is on driving behavioral change to promote healthy lifestyles and creating environments conducive to good health and wellness. Through sustainable solutions, we aim to foster health and equity, empowering individuals and communities to lead healthier, more fulfilling lives.

Sahyog builds on the prior experience, initiatives, and strengths of both SEWA and Ahmedabad University to develop new health promotion programmes in accordance with Sahyog’s principles incorporating a scalable public health approach. Our activities include raising awareness of healthy practices, dispelling misconceptions, and promoting evidence-based interventions that are no-cost/low-cost. At the core of our mission is the urgent need to address the leading causes of morbidity and mortality globally. Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) like cardiovascular disease, cancer, chronic respiratory disease, and diabetes account for more than 70% of all deaths worldwide. Additionally, environmental factors such as pollution and climate change play a pivotal role in the health status of communities.


Dr. Kaumudi Joshipura

Co-Director, Sahyog Dean, & Susmita and Subroto Bagchi Professor of Public Health, Ahmedabad University
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Dr. Sahil Hebbar

Co-Director, Sahyog Senior Wellness Coordinator, SEWA
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