Sahyog Centre for Promoting Health.

Ahmedabad University (Bagchi School of Public Health) and Self Employed Women’s Association (SEWA) have forged a synergistic partnership to promote health locally, nationally, and globally. The collaboration has combined strengths in health promotion, research, training, epidemiology, community empowerment and outreach.

  • Our Mission is to improve health through evidence-based messages and initiatives that are viable, sustainable, and scalable, especially for poor and underserved communities.

  • We Aim to inform and empower people, communities, and organisations to make healthy and sustainable choices and inspire others.

Our Work

Your Health

According to WHO, lifestyle factors such as tobacco and alcohol use, physical inactivity, unhealthy diets, habits, overweight/obesity, and stress, account for 74% of mortality due to NCDs. This means that your daily choices and habits can affect your likelihood of getting diseases like diabetes, hypertension and heart disease.

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special skills aligned with our mission or outreach efforts

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